If you’ve ever had topsoil or mulch delivered from Nagelkirk Gardens, you could bet it was our ever-reliable Tyler who delivered it! He’s our distinguished delivery driver, that works hard to get your topsoil and mulch safely loaded, and unloaded at your plot.
Born in Appleton, Wisconsin, Tyler is a veteran of the Navy, where his love of travel was born. In fact, the names of his beloved dogs are inspired by various cities he’s visited around the world! His adoration for travel makes bustling around the region with topsoil in tow one of the most enjoyable parts of his jobs. A day broken up by a variety of visits is a good day.
When Tyler’s not behind the wheel of a skid steer scooping soil or traveling to your home to drop off mulch, he’s our marvelous maintenance man. Tyler’s can-do attitude puts him patiently to any task that requires a bit of fixing. We can always count on him to keep everything working in tip-top shape.
If he’s not buzzing around the grounds at Nagelkirk Gardens or out on the open road, Tyler’s enjoying the day with his dogs - not a bad gig.
Next time you’ve got a delivery from Nagelkirk Gardens coming your way, be sure to give a friendly shout out to Tyler!