Well, we’d love for you to meet our Greenhouse Manager, Fred. From Williamston, Michigan, a small farm town settled around the beautiful Red Cedar River, Fred’s love of nature grew at a young age. After managing a large greenhouse downstate from 2009 to 2018, Fred moved to the Upper Peninsula and became a valuable asset in customer and plant care here at Nagelkirk Gardens.
With over 12 years of experience managing greenhouses, Fred is the go-to guy for answering your gardening quandaries. Whatever question springs up, Fred is known for addressing each concern with a calm and collected demeanor. In an industry that’s constantly growing, it can be hard to decide what the best course of action is when it comes to caring for your garden. Fred, being the trusty beacon of knowledge that he is, always does his best to make sure that you walk away with enough knowledge to be successful in your garden or lawn project moving forward.
A friend to all, he starts his day like any caring greenhouse manager; bright and early, to address whatever issues might be stemming from the greenhouses. With a grasp of what’s going on, he greets his team with a game-plan for a successful day of tending to the plant nursery. He loves that the greenhouse industry is ever-changing. Having learned a new thing or two about plantcare by the end of the day is about as gratifying as a weed-free garden bed.
When not in the greenhouses, Fred can be found cruising through the backroads of the Upper Peninsula. Leaving no stone unturned, he knows just where to find the most wonderful waterfalls, and could spend hours in his boat or garden without feeling like any time has gone by at all.
If you would like to connect with Fred to discuss your garden this year, he can be reached at or by phone at (906) 228-7441.